Community Science
Water Watchers - Community Monitoring - Distributed Data
What Is Community Science?
Community science (also called citizen science) refers to public participation and collaboration in scientific research, by people that are not specifically trained. The field of environmental science often faces limitations due to a shortage of trained professionals to gather and analyze the vast amounts of samples needed. Community science offers a solution, allowing massive data collection by everyday individuals, given the appropriate tools and technologies. Fluidion instrumentation is particularly adapted to Community Science, whereas our cloud-based data analytics interface provides easy access to the results for the scientists interpreting the data.
Science For All
Fluidion disruptive technologies enable powerful Community Science approaches to environmental and water quality monitoring, by providing a user-friendly but complete data-driven solution that integrates instrumentation, communication infrastructure and cloud-based data visualization. Fluidion technologies are being used by individuals, athletes, and associations worldwide to generate valuable scientific and water safety data.